Teriyaki红烧牛肉面 ( Teriyaki Beef Noodles )

[size=4][b]Teriyaki红烧牛肉面 ( Teriyaki Beef Noodles )[/b][/size]                                                                     [size=3]红烧牛肉面是一种非常好吃的面食,可是很多朋友对红烧牛肉面的做法并不了解,下面用简单的方法,教大家怎么做。希望大家都能了解红烧牛肉面怎么做最好吃,怎样是牛肉和粉条都鲜嫩,柔滑。 视频教程:[url=http://www.bethecook.com/yt/ZgvHuFVx7Gc_-_Teriyaki-Beef-Noodles]http://www.bethecook.com/yt/ZgvHuFVx7Gc_-_Teriyaki-Beef-Noodles[/url] [img]http://www.bethecook.com/TS/images/Teriyaki-Beef-Noodles.jpg[/img] [/size]Ingredients                            [list][li]200g thinly sliced beef[/li][li]220g udon noodles[/li][li]some chopped carrot and cauliflower[/li][li]Half coarsely chopped onion[/li][li]2 tbs soy sauce[/li][li]2 tbs mirin[/li][li]1 tbs brown sugar[/li][li]1 tsp baking soda with splash soy and mirin for tenderising beef[/li][li]1 tbs corn flour mixed with a little water[/li][li]vegetable oil[/li][/list]                                                                                                 Instructions                                                             Step 1                                     Add 200g thinly sliced beef, a splash soy sauce, a splash mirin, and some baking soda in a bowl. Mix well. Refrigerate for one hour.                                                                                             Step 2                                     To make the Teriyaki sauce, Add 1 tbs brown sugar, 2 tbs soy sauce, and 2 tbs mirin in a bowl. Mix well.                                                                                            Step 3                                     Boil some water in a wok, add some chopped carrot and cauliflower. Cook for 1 minute then remove.                                                                                             Step 4                                     Dry the Wok. Add some vegetable oil and Half coarsely chopped onion in the wok. Cook for half an minute or so. Add the sliced beef. Cook for a minute. Add the Teriyaki sauce and corn flour and water mixture. Stir until thick. Return the vegetables in the wok, followed by the noodle. Mix well until the noodle is hot.