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寻找我的儿子卜天 2011-07-29 21:21 我的儿子卜天是一个善良的孩子,从小跟我去教堂做礼拜.当我们唱诗班活动的时候,他就站到椅子上挥动着小手给我们打拍子.我儿子2岁的时候,他爸爸爱上了后来的这个妻子,于是我们和平离婚了.儿子从此跟我相依为命,我的孩子非常懂事,有一次我亲眼看见楼下比他矮一头的孩子跑过去打他几拳,他连看都不看那小孩子,绕着那孩子就过去了.遇见讨饭的孩子,他总是顷其所有给了人家.在他12岁的时候,为了让孩子有一个更高的起点,我接受了他父亲的建议放弃了监护权,让儿子跟他父亲去了加拿大,但是我不知道他们何时分开不在一起住了.现在他父亲癌证晚期也帮不上他了.孩子曾经跟我说:妈妈,我觉得我应该去非洲帮助那些可怜的人们去.还说过:妈妈,如果我口袋里只有8元钱,我一定要给我遇到的流浪者5元.就是这样的一个好孩子,在生活遇到困难的情况下,拒绝接受加拿大政府的救济,他跟我说:妈妈,我没有为加拿大政府作过任何贡献,我不能要这笔钱.可是,这个期间他的身体不好,一时也找不到合适的工作,我可怜的孩子没有钱租房子,于是放弃了一切物品,只拿着一本<圣经>露宿街头了.我的心都要碎了,我要给他汇款,可是他知道我生活也不富裕坚决拒绝我的资助,他说:妈妈你都快50岁了,我二十多的人怎能要你的钱,等我好起来,我还要给你钱,我还要接你来加拿大让你过上好日子. 这样好的孩子,怎就失踪了哪?我的主啊,这是为啥呢? 因为我儿子年前跟我说过喜欢听<大海中的船>,所以我特意在这里放这个歌曲,希望我儿子能听到母亲的呼唤,得到父神的抚慰. My son by the day is a good child, from a to go to church with me. When we choir activities, he stood to a chair waved little hand to give us keep time.My son 2 years old, his father fell in love with the wife of later, so we peace divorced. The son never stray with me,My children very sensible, once I saw a head shorter than he downstairs the children ran over to play him with some, he didn't even look at the child, the child around the past.Meet the children begging, he always gave the somebody else all the musical.In his 12 years old, in order to let the child have a higher starting point, I accepted his father's advice to give up the custody, let a son with his father went to Canada, but I don't know when they separate is not to live together.Now his father carcinoma syndrome also cannot help him late.Children ever. Say with me: mom, I think I should go to Africa to help those poor people to. Also said: mother, if my pocket only 8 yuan, I must give I met rangers 5 yuan.Is such a good boy, meet in life difficult conditions, refused to accept the Canadian government relief, he said to me: mom, I have no for the Canadian government for any contribution, I can't want the money.But, during this period of the body of a bad, and couldn't find the right job, my poor children have no money to rent a house, then abandoned all items, just take a < the bible>(The new old testament) out on the street.My heart was broken, I will give him the remittance, but he knew that I was not rich life resolutely refused to my aid, he said: my mother you're going to 50 years old, I more than twenty people to your money, how can I go up, and I'll give you the money, I will pick you up to Canada let you to live a good life. Such a good child, how is missing? My Lord, this is why? Because my son years ago told me like to listen to "sea of ship ", so I am here with this song, I hope my son can hear mother's call, get god the father of comfort.[mp3=1]http://ysong.org/html/36/18/103/976.html[/mp3  Please help me to, so that good for my son to see. I guess he must be because new work too hard and not on the contact me. Thank you! 下面是我儿子的照片,请好人心帮助我找找。我QQ46807679
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