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                                       [size=4][b]纽约牛扒[/b][/size]                                                                      纽约牛扒在北美餐馆是不可缺少的菜式。 尘世间最诱人的香气,是炭火与牛肉散出的气味。不过日常所见牛扒多被腌料整治到牛味无存。但正如牛仔裤里有牛王,牛扒一样有极品,纽约牛扒佳级牛扒!纽约牛扒常被统称为西冷,但其实它是在肋脊(肉眼)对下,前腰脊部分,比西冷少筋,[color=black][url=http://www.iask.com/n?k=%E8%84%82%E8%82%AA]脂肪[/url][/color]比例只有25%,所以肉味和口感都比西冷优胜。 这时轻切一刀,牛扒外层微微焦脆,粉色血水从刀尖渗出,把筋、肥肉和骨分开,再拿去给师傅带骨翻烧。之后,咬一口,肉汁在齿间流转,肉质弹牙纤维细致牛味喷薄而出!近边位7成熟最柔软油分最多,而中间较瘦但肉味最浓,令人不喝酒已经醉了。 菜谱做法: [url=http://www.bethecook.com/recipes/New-York-Strip-Steaks-with-Mushrooms]http://www.bethecook.com/recipes/New-York-Strip-Steaks-with-Mushrooms[/url] [img]http://www.bethecook.com/media/12/New-York-Strip-Steaks-with-Mushrooms.jpg[/img] Ingredients                                [list][li]2 (12-14 oz) NY Strip Steaks[/li][li]1 teaspoon grape seed oil , or vegetable oil[/li][li]2 tablespoons butter, divided[/li][li]handful of trimmed mushrooms[/li][li]salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste[/li][li]1 clove garlic[/li][li]1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar[/li][/list]                                                         Instructions                                                                     Step 1                                         Generously season the NY Strip Steaks with salt and pepper. Add 1 teaspoon grape seed oil in a pan over high heat, sear the steaks for 1 minute per side. Remove and cool them. Put them in a zip lock bag, suck out the air, zip it.                                                                                                          Step 2                                         Put a pot of water on lowest heat, hold water steady at 130F. Place a wood board at the bottom. Submerge steaks in the water for 2 1/2 hours.                                                                                                          Step 3                                         Add a handful of trimmed mushrooms and 1 tbsp butter in the same pan over med low heat. Add a little salt. Saute for about 5 minutes. Remove and reserve.                                                                                                         Step 4                                         After the steaks submerging, transfer them to a plate, pat dry. Season with salt. Reserve the juice in the bag.                                                                                                         Step 5                                         Put the same pan on high heat, pre-heat well. Add a little olive oil, Sear the steaks for 2 minutes per side. Remove and set aside.                                                                                                         Step 6                                         Return mushrooms back to the pan, add 1 clove garlic. Saute for a few minute on medium heat. Add the reserved steak juice, a splash of water and 1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar. Saute for a few seconds. Add another 1 tablespoons butter and some salt. Cook until the butter is melted.                                                                                                         Step 7                                         Transfer the steaks on a plate, topped with the mushrooms.                                                  
simply good![s:200]
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