
新闻讨论:特斯拉Cyber truck严重车祸!大学生3死1重伤

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A Tesla Cybertruck crashed in Piedmont this morning, burst into flames, and three victims died inside. Friends said the victims were '23 Piedmont High School grads who were enrolled in college and returned home for Thanksgiving. Story: https://t.co/J...... 点击阅读全文

     a 突然满大街都是这种皮卡,看起来很酷,也不安全? - [10] () (0)  (0)
          b 请问哪个牌子的车没出过车祸? - [8] () (0)  (0)
          b 这几个孩子是作妖了吧 - [8] () (0)  (0)


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