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fairladyz兄﹐park 好車後﹐給park 在旁邊的人開門撞﹐請問有什麼對策﹖ 通常在泊車之前﹐我都先翹一翹﹐然後才選一個比較寬闊的泊車位置。但是一年下來總有三五七次﹐給泊在旁邊的人開門撞﹐多是婆婆﹐伯伯﹐跟小孩子。他們開門就往小弟的車身撞。小弟的車顏色是珍珠白﹐給車門撞了以後﹐也真的看不出有很大的傷痕。老實說﹐小弟也不想浪費時間去ICBC去CLAIM﹐一想起要打電話﹐約時間﹐見ESTIMATOR﹐找BODYSHOP﹐開十天八天爛爛的CURTESY CAR 也挺難受。所以我每次泊車給別人開門撞車身﹐也只是怒目他們和檢查一下傷痕﹐到現在還沒有一次是嚴重的﹐但就是心里不爽。對於老人家﹐和小孩們﹐ 不能罵也不能揍。 請問有什麼對策﹖[s:319]
对策就是carrying a baseball bat, much like what you've illustrated here-------->[img]/club/p_w_picpath/post/smile/qqchong/39.GIF[/img] LOL, just kidding. Here are my usual principles when it comes to parking. - NEVER park beside beat up cars. - NEVER park beside SUVs and minivans. - Avoid coupes, as they have longer doors. - Whenever possible, park beside a pillar / wall, effectively reducing chances of your doors being dinged by 50%. - Whenever possible, park AWAY from everyone else. - And last, but not the least, if you see a car that's twice as expensive as your own ride, DO park beside it. 举例: 我每次去Metrotown,都会把车停在BreadGarden楼上的parkcade.  上了二楼后,尽量寻找最靠路边的车位停。一面靠墙的位子当然也可以,开门的时候小心一点即可-------you'd be REAL pissed, if you've dinged your own door, LOL. Of course, if a girl is riding shotgun with you, all above rules will fail to engage, as the ladies tend to nag you to park RIGHT BESIDE entrance of the mall, where all the 大妈 / MILFs station their MLs and X5s. Hence I don't carry any chicks with me. 兄弟,我们都是爱车之人,所以才会关心车门被顶这样的问题。但车毕竟是身外之物,不要因为一点小伤而太过沮丧。 通过不懈努力,你会有机会换第二,第三,第四台车.  By then, you wouldn't be bothered much with a bit of dings on your 1st ride.
feel better now, thanks for the reply  [img]http://rs.phpwind.net/E___4236ZHYXPWFG.gif[/img]
"where all the 大妈 / MILFs station their MLs and X5s." ahaha.....man you dirty bastered!!
[quote]引用第4楼bunnyface于2010-03-28 14:17发表的 : "where all the 大妈 / MILFs station their MLs and X5s." ahaha.....man you dirty bastered!![/quote] Just having a little fun. Comes to think of it, YOU are the last chick I carried in my car.
[quote]引用第5楼fairladyz于2010-03-28 14:42发表的 : Just having a little fun. .......[/quote] yea, "milf" is very unsanitized fu! but it's all good, i don't judge are yo sure I was the last one?? The last time I sat in your car was LAst year!!
[quote]引用第6楼bunnyface于2010-03-28 15:14发表的 : are yo sure I was the last one?? The last time I sat in your car was LAst year!! .......[/quote] And I haven't carried any female in my car since "LAst year!!" You do know I am flying solo these days.
[quote]引用楼主测光于2010-03-27 21:57发表的 fairladyz兄﹐請教心得 : fairladyz兄﹐park 好車後﹐給park 在旁邊的人開門撞﹐請問有什麼對策﹖ 通常在泊車之前﹐我都先翹一翹﹐然後才選一個比較寬闊的泊車位置。但是一年下來總有三五七次﹐給泊在旁邊的人開門撞﹐多是婆婆﹐伯伯﹐跟小孩子。他們開門就往小弟的車身撞。小弟的車顏色是珍珠白﹐給車門撞了以後﹐也真的看不出有很大的傷痕。老實說﹐小弟也不想浪費時間去ICBC去CLAIM﹐一想起要打電話﹐約時間﹐見ESTIMATOR﹐找BODYSHOP﹐開十天八天爛爛的CURTESY CAR 也挺難受。所以我每次泊車給別人開門撞車身﹐也只是怒目他們和檢查一下傷痕﹐到現在還沒有一次是嚴重的﹐但就是心里不爽。對於老人家﹐和小孩們﹐ 不能罵也不能揍。 請問有什麼對策﹖[s:319][/quote] 感同身受啊[s:198]   看着阿伯阿婆一来一回 心疼又不知如何是好
我有一次坐在车里 旁边1部马自达停到我旁边 车里是1家人 妈妈在副驾驶直接看也不看就开门 吧我的车撞得摇了几摇。吓得我啊。开门不要那么大力吧?连对不起也不说就装得跟什么也没发生似的就走了。。崩溃了、、还好没有印。。 [s:179]
最好的办法,别开新车。。。 其次的办法,开大车还得是高的。。。(好处很多) 最后的办法,开最贵的车。。。
[quote]引用第7楼fairladyz于2010-03-28 15:21发表的 : And I haven't carried any female in my car since "LAst year!!" You do know I am flying solo these days. [/quote] But who was she then? [attachment=320308]
[quote]引用第12楼yes于2010-03-29 17:37发表的 : But who was she then? [attachment=320308][/quote] she's a lady with really big tits..[s:204]
[quote]引用第13楼bunnyface于2010-03-29 17:38发表的 : she's a lady with really big tits..[s:204] [/quote] Hahahahahaha! Ugh.  Yeah, that would be, correct.
[quote]引用第12楼yes于2010-03-29 17:37发表的 : But who was she then? [attachment=320308][/quote] Dude, that is [i]not[/i] my ride.  FYI, 350Zs don't come with that fake walnut wood trim. And even if it was my car, the fact that you are suggesting this is the type of woman I carry, is a direct insult to my taste. I am surprised you still kept the photo.  I remotely recall posting this years ago.
[quote]引用第15楼fairladyz于2010-03-29 18:08发表的 : Dude, that is [i]not[/i] my ride.  FYI, 350Zs don't come with that fake walnut wood trim. .......[/quote] Never mind, I'm just kidding. 我还以为她就是。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。传说中的MILF。
[quote]引用第13楼bunnyface于2010-03-29 17:38发表的  : she's a lady with really big tits..[s:204][/quote] you wish you had some eh?
[quote]引用第17楼套筒扳手于2010-03-29 19:13发表的 : you wish you had some eh?[/quote] Actually, she wouldn't.  Would you want a saggy engine? 370Z looks bad because of sagging beltline. All things saggy = FTL.
[quote]引用第16楼yes于2010-03-29 19:13发表的 : Never mind, I'm just kidding. 我还以为她就是。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。传说中的MILF。[/quote] [b]Why is everyone focusing on my arrousing.......I mean, lousy choice of vocabulary.[/b] [b]Man I hope this post doesn't start with a DING and end up with a [color=#ff0000]BANG[/color].  Pun intended.[/b]
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