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本人男,身高183cm 体重71KG!喜欢健身!脾气不分好坏之分对谁!你懂的!长相过得去,看了不会很难过的! 我想找一个认真交往的女朋友,真心找的喔~我对女生没有什么过分的要求,各种要求都被人说烂了!不用说那些废话要求~大家都是懂的!
[s:215] 183....
[s:244] 没图没真相..没啥女孩会上勾的.
[s:201] 1502366680
[s:198] 楼上的。等你好久了


  当一切只剩断瓦颓垣的时候,我们只能把记忆连根拔起..为了重建,必需先要覆灭-------【迷津】      为什么....会时不断的想起。曾经无邪的以为分开是解决一切的方式....真的这么简略吗?既然我抉择逃避,那么上帝会把现实赤裸裸的站在我眼前。我忍不住捂住眼睛,可是,现实,却始终在我的脑海中,回荡着。      当初的我很快活嘛?      (苦笑ing)我也不知道,忘却在哪里看到过,有这么一句话:世界上只有两种人,知错纠正的人,[url=http://www.todsshoesstore.com]tods shoes[/url],犯了错不知道矫正得人。真的是这样吗...应当是,世界上只有两种人,敢于面对的人,[url=http://www.beatsdresale.com]dre beats[/url],逃避现实的人。      我属于后者。      我的世界其实就是一个空幻的世界,若有若无,所有飘渺无期....一切都是空泛的....人与人之间,能够感想的到,从细胞里披发出的冰凉....晚上在被窝里,[url=http://www.todsshoesstore.com]tods[/url],蜷缩成在母体里的样子。      其实,我就是害怕。      我畏惧一切,我惧怕这世界上不再有生物,留下我一人,像Clannad里的空想奼女一样,追溯光辉,但却只有一个玩偶陪她....她还在笑。笑有两种起因,一种是发自心坎的笑,还有一种是眼泪干枯了,只能笑.      世界上充斥了无奈      我们很无奈...无奈着为什么要无奈。望着天空傻傻的笑,从天亮到晚上,知道黑夜要吞噬我了,才走。其实我只是害怕,从世界消散,从此不友人....      咱们可不可以不勇敢      每一次我都说,[url=http://www.beatsdresale.com]beats by dre[/url],没事,我行。我总带着刚强的微笑,一副永远英勇的样子,可这一次,我想说,[url=http://www.todsshoesstore.com]tods men[/url],我可不可以不大胆?我只是胆大妄为地问了本人,      但我晓得我实在很脆弱,我只是一个回避事实的人,一个懦夫.....      那些记忆,那些故事,那些人,我记得,可是请谅解我没有足够的勇气去面对它,说到底,我仍是我,那个故装顽强的人.....      我们可不可以不勇敢...            (义务编纂:绝恋红尘)          [url=http://www.haoyou123.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=43&page=e&#a]心情 伤[/url]       [url=http://wutongshan.netai.net/read.php?tid=14199&page=e&#a]如果早12年遇上你就好[/url]       [url=http://029admin99.s2.eiisp.com.cn/read.php?tid=3513&page=e&#a]眼泪知道心里的秘密[/url]    We were driving along the road from Treguier to Kervanda. We passed at a smart trot between the hedges topping an earth wall on each side of the road; then at the foot of the steep ascent before Ploumar the horse dropped into a walk, and the driver jumped down heavily from the box. He flicked his whip and climbed the incline, stepping clumsily uphill by the side of the carriage, one hand on the footboard, his eyes on the ground. After a while he lifted his head, pointed up the road with the end of the whip, and said-- "The idiot!" The sun was shining violently upon the undulating surface of the land. The rises were topped by clumps of meagre trees, with their branches showing high on the sky as if they had been perched upon stilts. The small fields, cut up by hedges and stone walls that zig-zagged over the slopes, lay in rectangular patches of vivid greens and yellows, resembling the unskilful daubs of a naive picture. And the landscape was divided in two by the white streak of a road stretching in long loops far away, like a river of dust crawling out of the hills on its way to the sea. "Here he is," said the driver, again. In the long grass bordering the road a face glided past the carriage at the level of the wheels as we drove slowly by. The imbecile face was red, and the bullet head with close-cropped hair seemed to lie alone, its chin in the dust. The body was lost in the bushes growing thick along the bottom of the deep ditch.
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