车窗贴膜,Window Tinting, 温暖的季节即将来临,给车窗贴膜真的太好了,贴膜不仅可以保护你免受紫外线的伤害,还可以保护你免受太阳的红外线辐射,这两种辐射都会对你的身体和车辆造成伤害。车窗贴膜有5% 20% 55%, 为那些喜欢将物品留在车内的你增加一层良好的私隐,同时也为车辆增添了时尚的外观。在Instagram上联系@Vancitycartints 或致电/短信 778-829-0429 进行查询和报价。会说英语,广东话和普通话。如果你家有车房可以直接上门贴膜,节省你宝贵的时间。如果没有也可以来放下你的车子给我。谢谢。
Car Window tinting, warmer seasons are approaching, great to have your windows tinted, not only does the film protect you against UV rays, it also protects you against infrared radiation from the sun, both of which can be damaging to your body and vehicle, ceramic film available in 5% 20% 55% to choose from, adds a good layer of privacy for those who like to leave belongings in the car and also adds a stylish look for the vehicle. Contact @Vancitycartints on instagram or call/text 778-829-0429 for inquiries and quotes. I can speak English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. I can work mobile and come to your garage to save your precise time. Also have a garage available if you don't have a garage. Thank you.
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