Hello, everyone. Thank you to Caijing Magazine for inviting me to be part of this important conference, and congratulations on your 15th year. I’m looking forward to answering some questions from your esteemed Editor-in-Chief, Wang Boming [WAHng BOE-ming] after I say a few words.
Now, like a lot of Americans of my generation, my first real look at China came in 1972, when President Richard Nixon made his historic trip across the Pacific. Bill and I were law students, and we didn’t have a television set. But we were not about to miss history being made, so we rented one. It was an old portable model with rabbit ears. I lugged it back to my apartment and we tuned in every night to watch scenes of a country that had been blocked from view for our entire lives. I was riveted and proud of what our two countries accomplished during what President Nixon called “the week that changed the world.”
More than two decades later, in 1995, I had the chance to take my first trip to China. At the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, I declared that “human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.” The trip was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I returned to China again a few years later, along with my husband, my daughter, and my mother on an official state visit. And I came back again during my first trip as Secretary of State, convinced that the trajectory of the global economy and our own prosperity and the advance of democracy and human rights hinged on what happened in the Asia-Pacific. I wanted to see America do more to help shape the future of Asia, including by managing our relationship with China, and pursuing a strategy that encouraged China to participate as a responsible member of the international community, while standing firm in defense of our own values and interests.
During my time as Secretary of State, I sought to engage Beijing in the region’s multilateral institutions in ways that would encourage it to work with its neighbors and play by the rules. I talked with government leaders, civil society, and diplomats, about the need to put the U.S.-China relationship on sound footing for the sake of future generations.
Of course, some of those efforts succeeded, and some fell short. We succeeded in building up Asian-Pacific regional institutions like ASEAN and the East Asia Summit. We increased cooperation on issues like climate change and nuclear proliferation. And we defused potentially dangerous situations, like when a blind human rights dissident sought refuge in the American embassy. But we failed to make meaningful progress toward curbing North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. Tensions continued to rise in the East and South China Seas. And the Chinese people are still denied the universal human rights that should belong to all people, everywhere.
I believed then, and I believe just as fiercely today, that America should embrace, not reject, the bipartisan engagement that has underpinned our country’s strategy in this region since the beginning of the post-Cold War Era. Much of our shared future in the 21st century and beyond will be written in Asia. And we will all be better off if the U.S. is an open, optimistic, engaged player.
Now, a lot has happened since I was last in China. I became a grandmother twice over, which is just about the greatest thing in the world. As you may have heard, I also ran for president, and it didn’t exactly work out the way I planned. I’ve also written a book called What Happened. It’s about everything I’ve learned when it comes to standing up for facts and rational debate; protecting democracy; and learning to live in a world that feels like it’s been turned upside down. That seems to be a particularly relatable topic these days.
A lot has changed for our countries, too. The U.S. and China have each experienced our own dramatic domestic developments in recent years. The Trump Administration’s retreat from diplomacy, and the prospect of withdrawing from global responsibilities and leadership, has raised questions about the stability and staying power of the United States in the world. Meanwhile, in China, under the rise of President Xi Jinping, we’re seeing an unprecedented consolidation of power, triggering anxiety about a more assertive Beijing that is trying to rewrite the longstanding rules of Asia.
Today, the relationship between the United States and China is at a crossroads. We’ve faced similar crossroads in the past: Back in the 1970s, with the historic opening of China. In the 1990s, when China was ushered into the World Trade Organization. In a few short decades, we’ve gone from being two nations with hardly any ties to speak of, to being thoroughly, inescapably interdependent. And now, as China has risen on the international scene, our two countries are facing critical choices about how we are going to interact and engage on an increasingly contentious global stage. The decisions we make next matter enormously, and the results and repercussions of our actions will reverberate the world over.
Chinese leaders often speak of a new model of great power relationships, and it’s true that together, we need to manage our changing relationship in a changing world. But the principles underlying our relationship aren’t new. They’re age-old. What it takes to be a great power hasn’t changed. It requires shouldering responsibility for shared problems, upholding international norms and universal rights, and working with others within institutions that protect and promote the interests of all.
So it’s not only the U.S.-China relationship that’s at a crossroads. China stands at a crossroads of its own. Now is the time for the government to decide if, as China flexes its muscles in the region and beyond, it is ready to step up and accept the responsibilities of being a true great power.
Even against this backdrop of rapid change and global tumult, my hopes for U.S.-China cooperation remain high. After all, our economies and our security are tightly entwined. We face shared challenges. Our countries have never been more connected than they are right now – not only by our governments, as important as they are, but by our people. Every day, executives and entrepreneurs, scientists and scholars, artists and athletes, students and teachers, family members and citizens of all kinds shape our relationship. Together, they represent a vast range of priorities, concerns, and points of view. And they are all stakeholders in the shared future we’re building together – a future that aims to strike a stable and mutually acceptable balance between cooperation and competition. Because without cooperation, the peace and stability of both the United States and Asia will be affected in ways that are difficult to predict, but pose a serious danger to us all.
There are several important areas that demand cooperation between our two countries, and I want to touch on a few today. One of the most urgent areas is the current crisis with North Korea, which has become increasingly provocative and dangerous. With the fate of millions resting on a diplomatic resolution to this crisis, the United States should be a steadying and consistent force on the Korean Peninsula, and do everything in our power to keep the peace, uphold our values, and protect our allies in the Asia-Pacific.
As the new administration in the United States is discovering every day, there is no magic solution that will solve the challenges of this region. But there are steps we can and must take to move in the right direction – starting with putting pressure on North Korea to reach the conclusion that its nuclear weapons are a liability, not an asset.
To do that, we need to bring North Korea to the negotiating table, not resort to bluster and personal taunts that make it impossible for them to do so. And we need to be creative and determined in pursuit of diplomacy, including by engaging our allies. I, for one, would like to see the resumption of six-party talks. Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific will require a strong U.S. role, but it will also require the active engagement of South Korea, Japan, and particularly China.
It’s often said that China holds the key to North Korea, and that only if Beijing brings real pressure to bear will Pyongyang change course. I recognize that reality is more complicated. But it’s true that if China doesn’t want an American military buildup on its doorstep, and continued instability or even a shooting war on the Korean Peninsula, it needs to do more. This is a test of China’s role as a regional leader. There may be no good choices available. But Beijing should remember that inaction is a choice as well – one with particularly dire consequences.
The second area where cooperation between the U.S. and China is essential is in preserving a strong trading and economic relationship. As economic partners, the U.S. and China can make it possible for more people in both countries to work, trade, invest, create and prosper. Whether we do or not depends on how our two countries deal with our differences. China has things it wants, including more opportunities to invest in the United States, and we have things we want, including an end to discrimination against U.S. companies and protection for their intellectual property; an end to unfair preferences for domestic firms; more opportunities for American goods, products, and services; and of course, an end to unfair, distorting currency practices.
This is a difficult, divisive issue here in the U.S. But there is a growing consensus across the political spectrum that American workers have been taken advantage of for too long, and things have got to change. Many Americans want to engage in more trade and investment with China, because we believe in the benefits that come with greater economic activity and healthy competition. But for it to be healthy, it has to be fair, rules-based, and transparent. If there is an unfair playing field, then trust, confidence, and hope for the U.S. – China relationship begin to fade.
The third area is climate change – an urgent challenge we have no choice but to face, and face together. During my time as Secretary of State, the United States made cooperation with China a priority at climate summits. In recent years, our two countries have come together to tackle this issue, and help lead the global fight against climate change. But here, too, we are at a crossroads, particularly in the U.S., where ideologues in our federal government refuse to accept the settled science of climate change at all. The administration’s pledge to withdraw from the Paris Agreement has alarmed environmentalists as well as the business sector. Retreating from our leadership on this issue is not only embarrassing; it’s dangerous, and detrimental to efforts to take on this global challenge.
Here in China, you’ve made extraordinary commitments to investing in energy sources like wind and solar. Some experts say if you continue at your current pace, China could meet the targets you put forward in Paris a decade early. Yet at the same time, there’s reason for concern when China is starting to backslide on progress at home, and building coal plants abroad.
No one is better positioned than our two countries to lead the world in confronting climate change, and investing in the jobs and industries of the future. For that to happen, we cannot waver; we must double down on our efforts. That’s why it’s heartening that so many governors, mayors, and business leaders in the U.S. have pledged together that they are still committed to the Paris Climate Agreement. But we know more must be done to meet the climate crisis at home and around the world.
The fourth area that demands cooperation from our two countries is protecting the essential laws and norms that have for decades protected peace, prosperity, and security in Asia – governing the resolution of disputes, freedom of navigation, and sanctity of law. These norms have brought Asia the greatest prosperity in modern times, and the greatest beneficiary is China. Today, some in Asia are rightly concerned that China is seeking to adjust this operating system, to tilt the scale in favor of Chinese interests. That would undermine peace and stability in the region, to the detriment of all including China. The path to legitimacy and respect runs through responsible cooperation in institutions like ASEAN, not through secret military buildups on contested islands, or bullying smaller neighbors.
For these reasons and many more, China and the United States need to develop a habit of cooperation – to develop a framework where neither country seeks zero sum solutions, but instead focus on how to work together. The region is big enough for both of us. And the problems we face are certainly big enough for two great nations to tackle together, working in harmony.
Chinese leaders have long talked about the importance of stability. Americans have disagreed when that has been used as a justification for restricting democracy and human rights. But stability is a goal we share, and not every nation does. In fact, right now across the globe, Vladimir Putin’s Russia has become an agent of chaos, undermining the global order and meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states, including the U.S.
President Xi and China’s other leaders have a choice to make: Will they stand with the forces of chaos and conflict, or the forces of stability and order? I know this isn’t how we normally think about the current geopolitical landscape. But it’s accurate, and it’s inescapable.
The U.S.-China relationship is as full of challenges as ever. We are two large, complex nations with profoundly different histories, political systems, and outlooks. Our interdependence means that one of us cannot succeed unless the other does as well.
Today more than ever before, the U.S. and China must work together to create a future that looks different from the past. That is, by definition, incredibly difficult. But we have done difficult things before.
Back in 1972, when President Nixon disembarked in Beijing and took Zhou Enlai’s hand, both sides were taking a risk. But they decided that engagement was worth it. They knew that if the summit between these two countries went smoothly, the conversation would continue, and that would lead to cooperation, and in time, we both would benefit from it.
That is precisely what happened. Nearly everything that China and the United States disagreed about before that trip, we disagreed about after the trip. But we began a conversation that has helped us mitigate our differences, and broaden the areas on which we agree. And the result is the relationship we have today, which is as consequential and multifaceted as any in the world.
In 2010, I had the honor of visiting the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo. We had invited young Americans who were studying Chinese to be the guides and hosts at our pavilion. And many of the Chinese people who had come from all over the country were stunned to be greeted by a diverse group of young people, from all walks of life, speaking to them in Mandarin. They asked questions, told jokes, and shared stories with one another. The connections that were forged were as ringing an endorsement as any I have ever seen of that courageous step taken decades earlier. And they were also a reminder that we do this work – as government officials, as diplomats, as thinkers and policy experts – because we are committed to building a better world for all of these young people.
The United States and China will always compete; but we must strive for peaceful competition over daggers drawn. Just like the threats we face, the opportunities before us are also shared. We have the chance, if we seize it, to work together to advance prosperity, pursue innovation, and improve the lives of people in our own countries and around the world, not only today, but for generations to come.
I’m looking forward to talking about these issues and more with Wang Boming [WAHng BOE-ming] and all of you. So with that, I would like to answer a few questions. Thank you.