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Thu Oct 01 2020 15:49:12 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)


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     a 是vansky的对家干的吧,哈哈哈 - 哈哈哈蛤 [137] (2020-09-14 21:07:39)
          b 就是希望更多的人可以看到,保护好自己 - 像你学习把我的骗子房东也揭露。 [133] (2020-09-14 21:28:19)
          b 也很难说是对家干的。现在的中国人和华人社会 - 心难猜 [78] (2023-01-27 20:13:23)
     a OMG, I am not coming again - 不要问 [92] (2020-09-14 21:28:59)
          b 是你干的? - 不敢问 [108] (2020-09-14 23:28:05)
               c 不敢问就 - 不要问 [116] (2020-09-15 00:58:55)
     a 这是个文革余孽,居然在加拿大搞监控 - 真是个蛇精病 [85] (2020-09-14 21:38:39)
     a 是有多阴暗无耻以及时间空闲的老坏蛋才能想出这种阴招啊 - 并且还这么愚蠢傻逼到极点 [123] (2020-09-14 21:42:38)
     a 这个监控组织怎么看也象某网站 - 边监控边抄袭 [101] (2020-09-14 21:53:38)
     a 这年头骗子真多,好人坏人分不清了 - 大骗子1 [114] (2020-09-15 17:15:58)
     a 就vanppl干的吧,真是下贱 - vanppl就是爱骗人,人渣 [163] (2020-10-04 20:15:58)
          b 我可以实名举报Vanppl !vansky 联系我! - Arges [83] (2021-02-13 08:04:56)
               c 我可以实名举报Vanppl ! Vansky 联系我! - Arges [179] (2021-02-13 08:08:16)
               c I really hope this subject line proves fruitful - Emily [108] (2022-06-15 06:00:35)
               c Hello! - Tracie [77] (2022-06-21 20:56:38)
               c Hello! I have a little problem - Lieselotte [47] (2022-07-22 17:55:44)
     a 但是在毫无验证的基础上,就能随意刊登电话号码?最大的安全漏洞 - 希望尽快增加验证 [99] (2020-10-13 13:52:49)
     a 支持vansky - 迷迷糊糊的虫 [104] (2020-11-01 20:35:41)
          b Dishwasher - Julie Wilson [43] (2022-06-06 15:19:12)
     a 做得好 - 敢骗我再试试 [88] (2020-12-26 10:34:04)
     a 這裡的確有一些詐騙和非法販售的廣告 比如說沒有水電暖證照的謊稱有 賣藥的 賣黑煙的 Vansky - StevenCC [76] (2021-02-03 00:26:59)
     a 預先收費 - TCMA [51] (2021-02-19 12:13:15)
     a 花園種子及肥料撒布器 - 花園工具 [92] (2021-04-03 15:18:35)
     a 这个广告该发在这吗? - report [53] (2021-05-13 20:34:23)
     a Surrey Guildford basement suite - Jenny90 [79] (2021-09-13 08:06:31)
     a 三層毛玻璃電視架 - Hor. [70] (2021-09-24 13:29:15)
     a 撤广告 - laozinickyoung1 [69] (2021-11-11 19:37:33)
     a 对手太无耻了! - kclaca [61] (2022-01-10 00:10:47)
     a 求助 - 虫虫85 [73] (2022-02-28 19:34:51)
     a 11111 - 111111111 [44] (2022-05-15 14:31:23)
     a 请删除广告谢谢 - kai999 [216] (2022-06-01 16:44:29)
     a JOYCE 房子出售 - 周太 [36] (2022-06-17 20:36:04)
     a 西温著名中小学学区房花园平地独立两房一厅 - SunnySun02 [35] (2022-11-09 18:01:55)
     a 騙子真多小心 - 你想什麼好 [34] (2023-06-23 19:03:32)
     a 求7月3日拼车去西雅图 - Cindychen_1999 [64] (2023-07-02 12:22:37)
     a 花店招聘:店员,收银员,花艺师职位 - Kevin.525 [67] (2023-10-16 12:05:52)
     a 五年新独立屋二卧室出租 - Mery [32] (2024-03-09 14:29:39)
     a 诚聘家庭管家 - HLOOY [46] (2024-05-04 18:25:47)
          b 诚聘女保姆 - HLOOY [24] (2024-05-04 18:26:05)
     a 房东的诚信:租客未实地看房前,要预付房租押金 ?? - CSK [24] (2024-06-05 11:12:47)
     a 思妍丽SIYANLI - 谭竹 [40] (2024-06-06 09:32:57)
     a Points to aware of when purchase your home - Poor-guy [29] (2024-07-20 18:44:45)

As most of us, having our own home is an important issue in one's life.  We are spending a big portioln of our life saving for it and will hang on to this proporty for a long period of time, and, may be the rest of our live.  Especially, those are planning for their retirement.  No matter which group we are.  No one wants to face continuous trouble and burden from the home we just purchased.  Unfortunely, we always fall into the traps by many irresponsible builders and developers, like me. 

I like to share my experience all who are planning to buy a home for themselves.

1.  Find out who is the builder / developers of the project and how well they response for their mistakes before you commit to purchase the property.  Many of those are making excuse not to fix their defects and improper materials / workmanship.  Another common trick is telling us not to panic at present moment and they will fix it by the warranty schedule.  As if we miss the schedule, then, there is a strong excuse for them to refuse to carry on their liability.

2.  Keep our eye on the warranty schedule and don't miss any of those dates. 

3.  Send written report / inform any defects / construction mistakes to the builder / developer as soon as we find the defect / mistake for claim record regardless the warranty schedule.

4.  Who is the Warranty insurance company is also an important issue.  Some insurance company like to make up many excuse not to cover the mistake by the developer / builder.  As if they win the case, the property owner will bear an unexpected cost to fix the detects.

I hope my bad experience will remind our folds not step into those traps like me.

     a Gilmore 一房公寓 - eugene chan [18] (2024-08-16 11:31:15)